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Strategic Inspiration
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We believe that inspiration is part of the strategy. Without inspiration, there is no strategy, and you cannot have a good strategy without well-selected and analysed inspiration.

The Catch analyses and shares what is behind strategic decisions taken by brands and companies, to help you take decisions.

Ex Libris

Future Luxe, by Erwan Rambourg

Catch of the week

Challenger brands: from saying to doing

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Walter Benjamin

Do you have a sustainable or committed brand? The case of the Golden Globes

Lidl: Is the Drop a good strategy to connect mass consumption with the new generations?

Cómo piensa el mundo, by Julian Baggini

European Super League: Who are the brands’ owners?

Capitalismo, consumo y autenticidad, by Eva Illouz et altri

Boy Smells: What does your new life smell like?

The Art of Successful Brand Collaborations, by G. Michel y R. Willing

FORD: How can we legitimise brand legacies today?

How can craftmanship be adapted to our times?

Are video games the new discotheques?

Future Shock, by Alvin Toffler

The Catch by The Hunter
This article comes from The Catch, The Hunter's strategic inspiration tank. Register with The Catch to access and receive all its content.
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